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Jeannette Melo- Pelletier, is an awakened Starseed who is on Earth to assist other Starseeds in their awakening and ascension  process. 

She is an Ordained Priestess under the order of ‘The Melchizedek Priesthood’.

She is a Multidimensional Master Healer and Spiritual Coach expanding the healing Light of the Divine. 

She is fully clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient. She works with Sacred Guardians such as: Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters, Councils of Light, Cosmic Family Light beings, Mayan Guides… 

She Channels Divine Truth as she connects with GOD, the Infinite Divine Light of SOURCE energy. Anchoring Earth and Star Energies to bring in miraculous healing, unconditional love, compassion, divine guidance to awaken the hearts of mankind. â€‹


At 19 years old she was first introduced to Hatha yoga in NYC/1977. She later studied with Swami Rama, at the Himalayan Institute, NY. Swami Rama’s teachings inspired her to become an authentic self and explore bridging science and spirituality. She is a Certified Kripalu 500hr+ RYT, Yin-yoga teacher, Accu-yoga teacher, Pregnancy Yoga teacher, Certified Nosara Yoga Institute Pranassage practitioner. 


She is a Reiki Master/Teacher (2001)

Theta Healer (2007)
Inception Point Healer (2013) 

Akashic Record Consultant (2014) 

Ordained Priestess (2017) 


In 2012 she experienced a Kundalini awakening which resulted in an expansion of her consciousness. As a visionary and energy healer she is fully dedicated to the ascension of humanity by lifting the frequency of our global consciousness. Her intention is to provide a Sacred space for you to embark on a personal and transformational journey of the body, mind and Spirit. Ultimately, healing all aspects of the Self, thus creating the beautiful union with our Rainbow body resulting in true Freedom. 

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